
[日期:2019-03-28] 作者:sweetbear 次浏览 [字体: ]








作为美国州级荣誉的获得者,刘老师还出席了本周在南卡罗莱纳州举行的美国南部语言教学大会( Southern Conference of Language Teaching) , 并在大会上向来自各个州的语言教师作了题为关于手机应用在课堂教学中的使用的主题发言。刘老师此前已于2018年被萨凡纳-查特姆郡学区授予学区汉语教学杰出贡献奖


Shuyu Liu from the Experimental School of SMS won the highest Georgia State Award

Congratulations to Shuyu Liu who has been honoured the highest Georgia State Award Teacher of Promise. Only one award in this category across the state is issued by The Georgia Department of Education.

The award recognizes teachers who effectively strive to use various strategies, techniques, and materials to enhance the students' interest in, acquisition of, and proficiency in a second language. 

This award is by nomination and is competitive across the State of Georgia with teachers in their first, second, or third year of teaching who show the promise to be an outstanding teacher and leader in foreign language education. Ms. Shuyu is in her second year of teaching in the US.


Ms. Shuyu was evaluated on:

 1. Evidence of effective planning and implementation of lessons (through plans and/or classroom observations). 

2. Demonstration of having a variety of approaches and activities, including warm-up activities, a mixture of new and familiar, transitions between activities, etc.

3. Using a  variety of techniques/approaches in the classroom, commenting on the degree to which the target language is used  

4. Use of media, involvement of all students, method of correction, sufficient practice of all four skills, incorporation of culture and civilization  

5. And the general climate of the classroom and general evidence of effective teaching.


In addition to being a recipient . of a Statewide Teaching award, Ms. Shuyu has also presented at the Southern Conference of Language Teaching  and  made a presentation on Engaging Students through Popular Chinese Apps in WL Classroom.  In 2018  she  was awarded  by   Savannah Chatham County an "Outstanding Service Award Certificate".