so...that ...和so that 的用法区别

[日期:2023-03-26] 作者:2024届英语备课组 次浏览 [字体: ]

so... that ...结构和so that结构是初中阶段两个重要的结构,学生在使用这两个结构时也容易混淆。

结构的区别:so ... that ... 结构中,so 后跟形容词或副词,that后接从句,常译为“如此……,以至于……”。而so that后跟从句,常译为“以便于……”


1. 他跑得太快,我们跟不上。He runs so fast that we can't follow him. 

2. 他太矮了,还够不着树上的苹果。He is so short that he can't reach the apples on the tree. 

此句还可以用too adj. to do结构来改写:He is too short to reach the apples on the tree. 

3. 你应该向他道歉,这样你们还可以做朋友。You should say sorry to him so that you can be friends again. 

4. 他们明天要早起,这样才不会错过班车。They will get up early so that they won't miss the bus. 

后面两个句子可以用in order to do结构来改写:You should say sorry to him in order to be friends again. 

They will get up early in order not to miss the bus.