cross, crossing, across别混淆

[日期:2022-05-19] 作者:外语组 次浏览 [字体: ]

    cross, across, crossing这三个词在初一下期的第三单元和第八单元中进行了学习。但是同学们还有很多疑惑,还有困难正确使用这三个词。

1. cross 既可作动词,“横过,横穿”之意。也可作名词,“十字架;十字形记号”之意。

1).It's dangerous to cross the road when the traffic light is red. We must wait till the traffic light turns green. 

2). There is no bridge over the river. So it's difficult for them to cross the river safely. 

3). She wants to join the Red Cross. 

2. across 是个介词,“横过,穿过”。正因为汉语意思相近,同学们在使用这两个词时就有困难辨析。across不单独使用,需放在动词后表达确切的意思。如:walk across, go across, fly across, swim across, ride across, drive across, sail across等。

此外,短语across from意思为“在……对面”

1). To get to the library, he just has to cross Centre Street. = To get to the library, he just has to walk across Centre Street. 

2). The park is across from his neighborhood. 

3. crossing 既是动词cross的ing形式,也可作名词,意为“十字路口”。

1). We must wait till the water goes down before crossing the river. 

2). Turn right at the first crossing, then you'll find the museum on your left.